October 20, 2023
The History of Chevy Trucks Is the History of the Automotive Industry
You cannot tell the story of the past century of innovations without talking about the evolution of trucks. From the trucks that helped Americans in the European theater during World War Two to the trucks that let the average worker expand their zone of operations in the 1950s, so much of American history has been inextricably tied in with trucks made by manufacturers like Chevrolet.
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What Do You Know About Bad Credit Car Loans?
October 13, 2023 - Lisa Bartol
There are times in nearly everyone’s lives when financial issues prevent them from making necessary purchases. You might have to cut your budget and look for sales when grocery shopping or you might have to supplement your unemployment with credit cards. Credit cards can be helpful, but if payments are small or can’t be made regularly, you might find yourself in debt with bad credit. This might have caused you to look for bad credit car loans near Newport, NH, before, with disappointing results. However, there are ways you can get a vehicle, even with bad credit.